UK State Pension


If you worked in the UK and you are a man born between April 6th 1945 and April 5th 1951 or you are a woman born between April 6th 1950 and April 5th 1953 and have not claimed your UK State Pension, contact us immediately on 1-888-511-9766

If you have EVER worked in the United Kingdom for a period of 3 years or more, you may be entitled to a UK State Pension. Most British Canadians Simply Don’t Know.

Applying for a UK State Pension is a task that most people only ever complete once in a lifetime. The process of filing your application is time consuming and the forms and correspondence are often confusing and difficult to understand.

Utilizing the expertise of UK 2 Canada will give you peace of mind knowing that our experts have verified that the pension awarded to you, is the maximum pension you are entitled to.

Mike and the UK2Canada Staff confer on a client case.
Mike and the UK2Canada Staff confer on a client case.

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